Friday, September 10, 2010

Long Time No Write

Yeah, it's been a while. I would love to say that something amazing and earth shattering has happened to result in my absence, but really it is the lack of anything important to share. What can I say? My days are (for the most part) extraordinarily uninteresting. I find myself not knowing what day it is and then when I find out what day it actually is not knowing how I got there. Is this typical for new mommy-hood? I am not sure.
But for those sad few who check this thing in the hopes that I will share something inspirational or interesting here is what you have missed:
1-My baby is soon to be a baby no more. Since he has started WALKING I suppose he is technically a toddler now, but I refuse to acknowledge it. He is an expert at signing more (especially when he wants a vanilla wafer) and all done (when he realizes he isn't getting said vanilla wafer). He can play peek a boo and successfully covers at least one eye 50% of the time. And did I mention he is WALKING?!? Just checking to make sure you caught that part. He loves to look at books, flirt with any girl in a 50 ft radius, turn on the xBox (or anything else with a power switch), splash in Elly's bowl and be outside. I still believe he is part fish. He drinks about 4 glasses of water a day and would stay in the tub/pool all the time if we let him. He is so amazing and I love him so much.
2- Phil changes jobs which is fabulous. His schedule is more flexible (which I think accounts for some of my day disorientation) and he really likes what he is doing. I am so happy for him and for what a positive impact it has had on our family. It has been a little strange to have a real weekend, but don't worry, we are adjusting just fine.
3- We are buying a HOUSE!!!!!!! I have probably jinxed it by sharing it with the world via blog but I just have to share anyways. It will be so nice to have our own space with our own room that has a DOOR! It's the little things people. :)
4- I think that's all I've blog therapy has done it's job and now I think I can go to bed with an empty noggin. Thank you world wide web.

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